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Conformance vs Compliance – What's in a Word?

Anyone who travels with a laptop soon develops a bittersweet relationship with international power adaptor plugs. Sure, they turn your homeland plug into something that approximates to what’s needed. But we’re all too familiar with the questionable... Read More

What is the Cost of a Real-time Operating System (RTOS)?

INTRODUCTION Choosing an RTOS, regardless of the cost, involves many considerations, including accommodating your specific hardware architecture, the scalability of the RTOS, response requirements, peripheral support, scheduler, services, libraries,... Read More

Challenges Building Safe Multicore Systems

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Best Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) Vendors (2020)

_______________ Lynx Software Technologies has built and supported real-time operating systems (RTOSes) since 1988. We have witnessed hardware and embedded software technologies evolve and have supported our customers through the design,... Read More

What Is A Separation Kernel?

_______________ Having built both separation kernels and real-time operating systems—and supported customers using both across a wide range of industries—we are familiar with the pros and cons of each software technology, as well as their security,... Read More

Field Notes: Safety-Critical Systems Symposium 2020

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TC-16/51: Adding Bottom Up Interference Analysis for MCPs

_______________ I hadn't heard of "bottom up" avionics certification before I read FAA's TC-16/51. But now, looking back at it, I think the authors from Thales Avionics, including Xavier Jean, PhD, proposed a big change in perspective. In their own... Read More

What Are the Problems with Embedded Linux?

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Lynx & ENSCO Demonstrate Avionics Solutions at DSEI JAPAN 2019

The most formidable challenges of modern avionics development programs are often centered around the safety certification process and the corresponding requirements and costs. Equally as challenging to any large development program are the design... Read More

Overarching Properties: An Alternative to DO-178

_______________ Overarching Properties—an alternative design assurance approach to DO-178C—marks the biggest change in airborne software safety certification since DO-178B was unveiled in 1992. Intended to be more efficient and flexible than... Read More